Questions About Dental Extractions

Dental problems can occasionally arise, posing a threat to your overall oral health. In such situations, tooth extraction may become necessary.

At Affleck Dental Restoration & Prosthodontics, located at 466 N Main Street, STE 100 Clearfield, UT 84015, we prioritize preserving your smile through preventive dentistry and addressing dental issues promptly when required.

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about dental extractions and the circumstances that may necessitate them.

Why Do I Need an Extraction?

Tooth extraction may be necessary due to advanced tooth decay, infection, or extensive damage. If left untreated, infections can spread to neighboring teeth, necessitating removal.

Additionally, gum disease can weaken teeth, leading to extraction. Wisdom teeth, which often erupt during the late teens or early 20s, may need removal to prevent impaction, infections, and misalignment.

Will It Hurt?

Yes, there may be discomfort during the extraction process. However, local anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the tooth.

Sedation dentistry options are also available for patients who experience anxiety during dental procedures, ensuring a comfortable experience.

What To Expect Afterward?

After extraction, the site will be closed; if sedation is used, a companion must accompany you home. Rest is recommended in the following days, avoiding strenuous activities, and using straws.

A soft-food diet is advised. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to remove sutures and monitor healing.

What Are My Options For Replacing a Missing Tooth?

If wisdom teeth are extracted, replacement isn't necessary. However, for teeth lost due to infection, damage, or gum disease, replacement options include:

· Dental Implant: Ideal for single or multiple missing teeth, implants provide a permanent solution. A titanium post is surgically placed in the jawbone, with a replacement tooth attached. Implants offer longevity with proper care.

· Fixed Dental Bridge: Suitable for replacing one or more adjacent missing teeth, bridges bridge the gap using dental prosthetics. They're secured to adjacent teeth using dental cement, providing a natural look and feel.

· Partial Denture: If multiple teeth need replacing, partial dentures offer a removable solution. They look and feel natural in the mouth, are cost-effective, and allow for easier repair and replacement.

Can I Leave the Space Empty?

Leaving a gap in your smile can impact speech and eating and cause dental issues over time. It may also alter facial structure. It's advisable to consider replacing missing teeth to maintain oral function and aesthetics.

Whether you require a custom restoration or extraction, Affleck Dental Restoration & Prosthodonticsis committed to providing comprehensive dental care. Contact us for more information on restorative dentistry, dental extractions, or preventative maintenance of your smile.

Schedule an appointment today by calling us at 801.614.7013